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多 彩 人 生 憙 怒 哀 樂 靑 赤 黑 白 黃
손가락 사이로 빠져나가는 맑고도 푸른 한 줌의 물
Fistful of clear blue water slipping through each finger




2014 01.08-02.28 Chinese New Year Project, Landmark North + Sun Hung Kai & Co. Limited ( , Hong Kong



Life is colorful – Korea fashion & culture festival (National museum) _Fashion show _ 2010


Life is colorful _ Running time 00:03:11 _ W hotel+Art center Nabi _ Seoul _ 2012

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Life is colorful _ Rear  Screen _  Running time 00:03:11  _  Hanbit Media gallery  _ Seoul _ 2011


Work Information Title: Life is colorful Year: 2010
Format: 162 x 130cm acrylic on canvas


Work Information Title: Life is colorful Year: 2010
Format: 162 x 130cm acrylic on canvas


Work InformationTitle: 喜怒哀樂 Year: 2010
Format: 162 x 130cm acrylic on canvas


Work Information Title: Yellow memory Year: 2010
Format: 162 x 130cm acrylic on canvas


Work Information Title:Blue thirsty Year: 2010
Format: 162 x 130cm acrylic on canvas

Blue thirst

A stem of a red cherry fallen by a spring breeze
into an empty wine glass from yesterday
A wing of a yellow butterfly born and fallen from the greenery
last summer in today’s coffee cup
A blue snowflake inadvertently left on the back of the hand
since last winter day in tomorrow’s water glass

푸른 갈증

어제 마신 빈 와인 잔에 봄 바람결에 떨어진 빨간 앵두꼭지 하나
오늘 마실 빈 커피잔에 지난 여름 풀섶에서 나고 지던 노란 나비의 날개
내일 마실 빈 물잔에 작년 겨울 한낮흰 손등 위에 무심히 남겨진?파란 눈꽃 한 송이


Work Information Title:Red secret Year: 2010
Format: 162 x 130cm acrylic on canvas


Work Information Title: Life is colorful-희로애락 Year: 2010
Format: 162 x 130cm acrylic on canvas


Work Information Title: 까마득한 봄볕에 Year: 2010
Format: each 80×117cm 5 pieces acrylic on canvas


Work Information Title: Hide and seek Year: 2010
Format: each 162×130cm 2pieces acrylic on canvas

……Is Hong Ji-yoon an artist or a poet? Some say she is closer to a poet
rather than a visual artist. A bard; and this exhibition will be an opportunity
to see her warm but sensitive heart with her dexterous talent.
Someone says that There is no spring in the winter of human life.
Like seeing a Spring haze, her free and smooth painting touch is
the movement of hope delivered to her life, our lonely soul and tough life.
Her works represent her free soul without reservation as she is good
at modern expression with poems, prose, and painting.
Her hide-and-seek play that comprehends subjectivity and objectivity will be
continued ’till the rainb
ow of dreams bloom, ’till our life blooms in full and
’till the dream comes true. She will paint full-colored rainbows to the world…….

By Park, Cheon-Nam (Curator of SungKok Art Museum) / part from ‘Life is colorful…’

…… 누군가 ‘인생의 겨울에 봄은 없다’고 말했다. 봄날 아지랑이를 보듯, 써 내려간 듯 얹어 놓은
자유롭고도 유연한 홍지윤의 붓질은 작가 특유의 자유로운 영혼을 자신의 삶에, 우리네 고독한 영혼과
고단한 삶에 전하는 희망의 몸짓에 다름 아니다. 시(詩)·서(書)·화(畵)의 현대적 외화에 능한
작가의 자유로운 영혼을 유감없이 드러내고 있다. 이렇듯 주관과 객관을 종합하는
홍지윤의 숨바꼭질은 꿈의 무지개가 필 때까지, 우리네 삶이 활짝 피어날 때까지,
꿈이 이루어질 때까지 계속될 것이다. 세상 가득 총천연색 무지개를 펼쳐 보일 것이다…….

2010 박천남 (성곡미술관 학예연구실장) / ‘Life is colorful…’ 개인전 서문발췌



Work Information Title:Life is colorful Year: 2010
Format: screen shot Running time: 00:03:11

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Work Information Title: Hide and seek Year: 2010
Format: PYO gallery south view (Seoul / Korea)