2010_0209 ▶ 2010_0307 (Sungkok Museum /Seoul /Korea)
than before
Shed tears over memory of the indulgent lips
like a loose and open hem
The songs from the days of our youth together
Wet our weak souls as does the spring rain
How surprising, grateful and loveable it is.
Ah, life is light as cakes and ale.
My favorite song _ 2010.2.9 Hongjiyoon
그전보단 조금은 단단해진 빛나는 정수리에 박수를
옷섶을 풀어헤치듯 방만했던 입술에 추억의 눈물을
젊은 날을 함께 보내었던 그대와 나의 노래 몇 소절이
가녀린 영혼과 가슴에 닿아 봄비가 되어준다는 사실이
그 얼마나 놀랍고 고맙고 사랑스러운 것인지 .
아 . 인생은 얼마나 가볍고도 한가한 것인지 .
愛唱曲 _ 2010. 2. 9 홍지윤
Work Information Title: My favorite song
Format: 840 x 400cm acrylic & ink on rice paper installation Year: 2010
Work Information Title: My favorite song
Format: (210 x 150cm)*12 acrylic & ink on rice paper installation Year: 2010
Work Information Title: My favorite song
Format : single channel video installation 00:01:28 Year: 2010
Work Information Title: My favorite song
Format : single channel video installation 00:01:28 Year: 2010
Work Information Title: My favorite song_ 愛唱曲
Format :screen shot Running time: 00:02:20 Year: 2010
Work Information Title: My favorite song_ 愛唱曲
Format :screen shot Running time: 00:02:37 Year: 2010